Friday, February 16, 2007

Time to get personal

ok Peoples of blog land, I just had some things to get off my mind.
1st thing when you have someone good in your life and is always there for you, do your best not to loose that that cause you may never get it back.
2nd some men need to learn to grow up and stop acting like kids. It's one thing to be a kid at heart and there another thing is to not acknowledge how old they really are and how the have responsibilities.
True love only comes around once in a life time and if your one of the lucky few that the person your with gives you a second chance or even a third, that means they truly loves you. I know I found the love of my life but I keep messing up, But like she told me I have a choice to do the right from the wrong and I choose right. I want to marry her but I'm not sure she would say yes anymore.

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